Meet Kriti, a 19-year-old young adult embarking on a new chapter in her life. But this story begins on her last day of school. What lies ahead in her journey? Will she still struggle with loneliness and self-doubt? Then there's Samir, also 19, a newcomer in London and the cousin of Kriti's best friend, visiting from India. What will happen when their paths cross for the first time? Curious about what unfolds next? Read My SunDown. Status: Ongoing.
CHAPTER ONE: Introducing me?
FreeCHAPTER TWO: My nightmare!
FreeCHAPTER THREE: My arrival
FreeCHAPTER FOUR: My first heartbeat for you..
FreeCHAPTER FIVE: My breath stopped for you..
FreeCHAPTER SIX: First day of College
FreeCHAPTER SEVEN: My day is completed with you
FreeCHAPTER EIGHT: An unexpected Reunion
FreeCHAPTER NINE: The Stare incident
FreeCHAPTER TEN: The Shopping Disaster
FreeCHAPTER ELEVEN: The unexpected surprise of life!
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